Here at Resurrection House for All Nations, we believe there is so much more to this Christian life than attending a worship service once a week. In fact, God never intended any of us to be “pew warmers” or for 100% of the work in His house to be done by 10% of the people. Fortunately, there is something for everyone at RHFAN to do — this ministry involves YOU and not just a chosen FEW.
So What is all This Christianity Stuff About Anyway?
Christianity is about encountering God in new and relevant ways. It’s about creating lasting friendships. It’s about being the answer to someone’s prayer and genuinely sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the people around us. It’s about growing in every aspect of our lives – personally, spiritually, and emotionally. It’s about His glory being manifested in our lives.
To experience every dimension of Christianity, it’s important that you “get connected.” What does that really mean?
Well, it includes getting involved in your local church. If God is leading you here, we would love to fellowship with you. So to us, Christianity involves getting to know RHFAN and what it’s like, making new friends, and participating in activities that interest you. There’s a lot to do at RHFAN, and we’ve tried to make it easy for you and your family to get involved.
Here are a few easy ways to get connected through various classes, outreach and other opportunities:
New Members’ Class
This engaging class series gives new members a thorough overview of how RHFAN operates. Members learn about the church’s mission and vision, statement of faith, organizational structure, policies and procedures. Members are encouraged to seek God to discover their calling in the ministry. At the end of this course, graduates leave with a firm foundation and are ready to begin their journey in ministry.
Opportunities to Serve
At RHFAN, there are so many opportunities to serve and meet the needs of people across the room, across the street and around the globe. Browse our Ministry Listing to see the variety of ministries available, and be sure to read the weekly announcements for other opportunities to sow and grow. As God directs you to the area where you are destined to serve, contact the person listed for more information about their volunteer opportunities.
Outreach Opportunities
We are committed to making an impact in the Union City area. We participate in door-to-door evangelism, conduct free health screenings, provide food boxes to those in need, assist with resume writing, and minister in prisions and nursing homes. We invite you to join us. Your life will never be the same.